Been a while since I've given a progress report on the game. Well, I didn't get too much done though xD!
There's still a bit more to work on before I can finally release it to alpha testing. Coolio-Niato already checked out the game and he thinks it's mad cool :D!
So, what have I done? Since the last progress report, I've checked for lag and fixed up in some areas. I made it so that there aren't so many queries that it spams the server like nuts also.
In-game, I've made several adjustments with the bullets and all, making them go further in distance. I've made the sniper zoom out a lot further. Bullets now hit the player. There's only 1 more weapon left to make also (which is nice!).
There's a small minimap now, but I need a vote on something:
Should the minimap SHOW ALL or should it SHOW HALF AND SCROLL or something like that?
Chatting works 100% now also :D!
Current Progress:
Login: 75% - Same as before
Lobby: 95% - Same as before, but the bug seems to go away once you enter a room and leave it.
Game Lobby: 85% - Same as before, and bug disappears same way like in lobby
Game: 50%
-Movement: 100%
-Shooting: 85% - You can shoot, you can get hit, but no healthbar yet.
-Chatting: 100%
-Weapon Manufacturing: 99% - 1% because there can always be more weapons!
-Graphics: -25% - Graphics suck xD! Coolio-Niato will be working on it though :D! I'm probably going to remove some particles effect because it lags a bit when there's a bit too much. Instead, Coolio-Niato'll probably have to draw animations of explosions :D. Looks better, lags less, my hope at least.
Well, the offer still stands about Alpha testing. Leave a comment and you're invited :D!
This is gonna be a flash?
Yes, it'll have standalone and on-browser versions.
Standalone for no lag but you'll have to re-download every new version.