I have been receiving a lot of great feedback on my recent release: Feel the Beat (F2Jam). I would first like to thank everybody that played and wrote reviews to me.
And to answer a lot of people, I am working on another version of the game. (Coming out soon too. And when I say soon, I don't mean multiplayer shooter soon :P.)
In this version, music artists will be able to upload their own songs for everyone to play.
But before I can release the game, I need some music!
If you are a music artist interested in having their song in my game, please let me know. I will give full credit for the song (obviously).
Leave a message with a link (or links) to songs you would be willing to let me use.
P.S. You will most likely need to be able to re-export the music. So if you don't have the project files anymore, that song most likely won't do.
YOU are an illustraaaatttiiooooonnn
You are a picccctuuuureee