Okay. Many things are done and it's going to enter Pre-Alpha testing soon!
A lot of the gameplay itself is done. I just need to add chatting into it (really easy) and a bit of hitTest to see if the bullet/explosions/etc. hit the player. A minimap will be made soon. It's looking pretty good right now.
I made several screenshots to show how it looks like right now. The login/lobby/game lobby's graphics will definitely be changed. The in-game graphics of the player will be changed (by Coolio-Niato) but the guns might not. The effects probably won't be modified either.
I hope you guys like it :D.
This game is tight, I would know XD XceeD really outdid himself on the coding and the gameplay is so phenomenal! Once RhythmBlaster is complete, a lil of my gfx kno-how and itll be in the portal. Who doesnt like a good multiplayer shooter? This is CS in Flash on CRACK!